Thursday, July 30, 2009

Garrett and Friends

Here are some photos and a video of him playing with his friends today. Very funny.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend photos

Just thought I'd share some cute photos of Garrett from over the weekend. We can't stop giggling here from these.

Friday, July 24, 2009


We've been giving Garrett cereal from time to time since we got the go ahead from his last dr. appointment. He likes it, as you can see. We may start giving him other foods now.

Here are some shots from this afternoon.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23, 2009

Not to much has changed since the last post, except that he's refining more and more his sitting up, holding a bottle, and has advanced slightly in learning how to crawl or at least we think thats what he's trying to do.

Garrett and Daddy watching tonight's sunset

Garrett and Daddy at TGI Fridays

Garrett laughing at Mommy

Garrett and Mommy laughing

Saturday, July 18, 2009

22 Weeks

We tried to wake up as early as possible to beat the crowd and heat at the zoo today. They had "Winter in July" where they put out piles of snow. Large crowds, lots of walking, thirsty and hungry bodies, 100+ degree heat. The smell of manure. Lots of fun.

But with all that we still had a pretty good time, except for the frustration of not being able to find food at the zoo. With the crowd, they seemed to have only one concession stand open with one person working it and probably 20+ people in line (and that was only where they sold drinks, not hot dogs and sandwiches). So we left early.

Liz also told me Garrett was started to work on his crawling skills. Today he raised his butt in the air and moved his legs like he wanted to crawl. If his upper torso was coordinated with his lower, he'd probably do it.

Garrett is also able to use high chairs at restauraunts now. Friday night I put him in the shopping cart at Home Depot without using his car seat. He was cracking me up because as we made our way down the isle, he had his back straight, hands holding the shopping cart handle, head turned one way for about 10 seconds then he'd turn it 180 degrees for another 10, and so forth. It was prett funny.

Mommy showing Garrett the snow at the zoo.

Family photo in front of the giraffes

At home playing with his new toy

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

5 months old today

Garrett is 5 months today...21 weeks.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Laughing Garrett

Liz went to her Mom's today to swim and they got Garrett laughing it up pretty good.


Friday, July 3, 2009

Almost 20 weeks

We went swimming today at Grandma Vicki's. Garrett LOVED his little "floatation device" that we bought for him last night. No pictures of it here, but he was laughing when he first got into the water which cracked us up. By the time I was able to get video of him he was more interested in trying to grab the image of a baseball on his little floaty.

Here are some photos of he and Liz.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009