We tried giving Garrett some green beans and then later some peas. I couldn't help but laugh as I fed him spoonfuls and watched his facial expressions. He kept looking at me the whole time. If it's something he likes, he groans and looks all around. But not with peas and green beans! I felt sorry for him after the 4th spoon. You know he was looking at me laughing at him and wondering why he's getting treated that way.
After a few spoonfuls and having half of those all over his bib, we gave up and gave him the rice/fruit cereal combo which he loves. Maybe veggies will have to wait for another day.
But he has two lower front teeth now. Liz loves it when he shows them off when he smiles. The only way I can see them is if I pry his lips apart. He might be getting another one in based on the amount of drool he has been having. We bought him some extra teething rings the other day and are having less complaints about his gums. The other teething rings we had were much harder. He likes the very soft ones.
We've started giving Garrett baths in the kitchen sink instead of his little tub that we used to have. Now that he's able to sit up it makes it much easier. He loves to splash though, as could be expected, but at least it's only with his hands and not his feet like it was in his little tub. The sink has also made it easier for Mommy to bath him while Daddy takes pictures. And what is it with the smell of baby powder? Kinda gives you a certain feeling. He wears a "nightime" diaper (forgot what it's called) that smells like baby. Same with the soap we used for his bath. As he fell asleep in Liz's lap tonight, we both watched him sleep for a little bit smelling that baby smell. I told her that even though we appreciate it when we look at him, I realized that this will be the last time we'll see him sleep like this on this day...meaning before we know it one day we'll wish we'd taken some time to really take it all in. If all that makes sense.
Enjoy the photos.
Today Garrett turned 6 months. We thought he was going to crawl tonight...he came very close. But he did manage to sit up in his crib, which was a first. We lowered the matress a notch last weekend but now I think we'll lower it some more since his head was very close to the top of the rail when he was sitting up. He will be crawling any day we're sure. Liz and I both can't believe he's 6 months already. I don't think we're ready for him to get any older than he is right now.Enjoy the video...
Garrett loves the end to "It's A Big World." This is the video that plays at the end of the show. Snook is the big sloth in the rainforest in this video. He will smile and giggle a few times to this video. It's pretty cute.http://pbskids.org/bigbigworld/video03.html