We drove up to Sedona on the spur of the moment a couple of weeks ago. It was a great day trip. We hit our wedding spot, Merry-Go-Round Rock, then went into town to have some ice cream. The road up to the wedding spot was just as rough as before and we couldn't believe that Garrett fell asleep in the car on the way down. His head was bobbing all over the place.
Us at our wedding spot in Sedona, AZ

Easter was great. Liz scattered some eggs around the back yard and "coaxed" Garrett in the direction of the eggs. He did a great job in finding them and picking them up and putting them in the basket. After he found all the eggs, he decided to take them out and throw them one by one.

Garrett cracked me up tonight. Around 8:30 or so, Liz was watching the ACM awards and waiting for Garrett to give the signal that he wants to go to bed. Well, he really never gave the signal as I finally took him thinking he'd fall asleep on me while I watched some of the awards. He kept acting like he was trying to get comfortable, and one of his ways of getting comfortable is to stick his arm or hand is crevices, like cushions or in his crib it would be between the crib and the mattress. He never could get settled down and occasionally would look up at me and smile. I finally took him to his room and began to rock him. After awhile he looked up at me, half asleep, then would rest his head on my shoulder again as if he's checking to make sure it's me. After a few minutes he did it again, and as soon as he rested his head on my shoulder, he immediately looked right back at me with a huge grin on his face. I couldn't help but laugh, and after awhile of laughing he did it again knowing that made me laugh the first time.
Now that he's older, it's so much easier getting him to bed. He never did fall asleep in the rocker, but I put him in the crib and he eventually fell asleep without a fuss.
Garrett loves cars. We'll be walking through a parking lot and he'll point and say "caw." Or he'll point at his toys and do the same. He's always been infatuated with wheels. He also says "nana" for banana, will use sign language for bath and when he wants more food, or to eat. Cat, ball, more, and up are some others.
He's also started to act like he's learning to run. Since he's been officially walking now for about 4 weeks, I'm sure he'll be running soon.
Garrett at G'ma's playing in the pool

We went to the botanical gardens a couple of weeks ago to check out the desert bloom. It was there I overheard someone say they rented a specific lens that they were using.
Some photos from the Botanical Gardens

I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of that before, so I rented two lenses over this past weekend - a 15mm f2.8 "fisheye" and an 17-35mm f2.8 L series lens. The L series Canon lenses are the best model lenses they make. So I played around with them as much as I could this weekend.
20 second time exposure using the fisheye lens attached to a tripod in the back seat of my truck and driving down the freeway

Saturday morning...Myron

Garrett watching the movie Cars. I took this using the fisheye and my infrared camera

Until next month...