Garrett started swim lessons a few weeks back. I understand he's been doing very well (from Liz - Daddy works), but him enjoying it depends on how his mood is. Swim lessons can be around his nap time.
I was stunned the other night at the number of words he can say. Liz has been working with him a lot on words, and his book of "first 100 words" he can point to quite a lot of what you ask him to point at, and he was even saying the words as well. Clock, duck, apple, chair, cup, flower are some. He's been saying ball, banana ("nana"), car and some other that are in the book for quite awhile. He was sort of counting to 5 the other night, but I know for sure he can point out the numbers 1 and 2. Anyways, I'm shocked sometimes at how much he knows and am proud.
Garrett has graduated to a bed now. He was just about able to climb out of his crib. We basically just took one of the sides off the crib. He climbs up in it now on his own when it's time to go "nite nite," as he will sometimes say as he gets into bed and waits for his bottle. And since he's able to crawl into bed, he's also crawling out of it. One morning we woke up to the sqeak of his door opening and his feet walking on the hall floor into our room where he stood next to our bed and said "up?"
Garrett has also figured out how to open the front door. I will be adding additional locks to the front door this weekend. In the meantine, the baby gate in the hallway keeps him from getting out at night.
We headed to the Grand Canyon in May for a "stay-cation." Liz had never been to the Grand Canyon, so we'd planned a weekend trip. It was fantastic. The trip home was really good as we took our time and came back through the Meteor Crater and Winslow. Winslow reminded us so much of Radiator Springs from one of mine and Garrett's favorite movies, "Cars." We plan on more staycations from now on.
Might be heading to San Diego next month, but not sure. We'd like to get out of the heat once or twice this summer. Yesterday it was 115 with 2% humidity. I guess if I have to be somewhere hot, I'd rather it be somewhere with 2% humidity. They said on the radio it's highly unlikely that there is any place on the Earth that has gotten to 1% humidity. I rolled down the window on the way home from work and it was like opening the oven. Cracked me up.
Enjoy the photos...

Nite nite

One of the 8x10 photos I got for Father's Day

Playin' in the backyard with sprinklers

I wonder where this is?

The Grand Canyon

"Photostitched" panorama of Meteor Crater

Downtown Winslow, AZ

Downtown Winslow, AZ

Between the Grand Canyon and Flagstaff

Garrett hanging out by the pool
At the zoo...see the video
Papa, G'ma Carolyn, and Mommy watching Garrett in the backyard

Papa and G'ma Carolyn on their way back to Missouri from Alaska
Garrett loves talking on the phone