Sunday, February 1, 2009

Baby's room finally finished

We just need to put his dresser in there (tomorrow) and his crib will be bought probably next month.

Being the camera geek that I am, I'll tell you that the white balance on the photos is a little off. The light made the room more yellow than it really is. So the color saturation, etc. is a little misleading, but you get the idea.


Our Family said...

What a great room! I love the two-tone scheme - and look at all of those baby clothes! Looks like you're ready... Are we still looking for him on the 14th?

Clint and Liz said...

So far we dialation yet. No false labor...2 more weeks to go.

Our Family said...

You both did a wonderful job on the room! That is one of the best parts of getting ready for a new baby, is getting the room ready. It just needs one final touch . . .

Nancy said...

Congratulations!!! I'm super happy for you...he is soo gorgeous! I love all that blond hair. I think he does look like dad. Can't wait to see him.
Nancy & Noah