Friday, February 20, 2009

Curious Garrett

A movie of him from yesterday. Liz was trying to sleep and Garrett was wide awake.

We're going to bath him now for the first time.


Our Family said...

There is nothing cuter than a newborn's hiccups! Everything they do seems like magic. I know you guys are enjoying every moment. Can't wait to meet him in person! (Watch out with that bath, wet babies are slippery little things!)Lots of love to you guys!
-Jenny and family

Our Family said...

He's so adorable. Keep the videos coming, Clint. - Laura

Kathy S. said...

Liz, you do look amazing -- even while asleep. Baby is adorable, making those little hiccups. Dad is enjoying all the photo shoots. Thanks for sharing them with us. It's almost as good as being there.

Kathy S.