Today Garrett had his 1 month doctors appointment. He is now 10 pounds 12 ounces and 23 inches long. His bump on his head from birth is completely gone. Garrett had his second hepititus shot and I feed him while she gave it to him. He was a little trooper (he loves to eat). Doctor said he is very alert and she can't believe how long his arms are :)He has gained 2 pounds since birth.
He is now doing tummy time and has a very strong neck already. It's been great to watch him change everyday. Thanks to everyone for keeping up on Garretts growth.
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Tummy time

Looks like his liking tummy time is questionable in that one picture. And the pants are cute! They look like old man pants on a baby. :) ~Kim
Can you post a pic with the quilt Carolyn made?
He does very well with tummy time. The one pic of him crying is him being fussy. Turns out he was just hungry (what a surprise!). He may have spit up on that quilt and we haven't washed it yet. Will ask Liz.
Garrett is thriving and doing so well. Love his smiley pictures. I love it when he gets hiccups. G'ma Toby
Tummy time can be rough. It looks like he's doing great! He gets cuter and cuter with every picture. - Laura
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