Thursday, April 30, 2009

Garrett's Play Time

We bought this thing about a week ago and he loves it! Sometimes he'll talk to the caterpillar face on it. Will try to get him some other time doing that.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Trip to Sedona

We drove up to Sedona today to show Liz's mom, but it ended up being overcast and very windy. Wouldn't had been bad if it wasn't for Sedona being a circus this weekend. Everyone and their neighbor was up there and finding a parking spot would have taken forever. So we drove up to Flagstaff on 89A through Oak Creek Canyon, ate in Flagstaff, then drove back to Phoenix. Wasn't how we wanted it but it reassured us that trips to Sedona need to be made during the week.

Enjoy the photos

Just outside of Oak Creek Village near Sedona

At Sunset Point

At Sunset Point

Just outside of Oak Creek Village near Sedona

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Garrett and G'ma Vicki

Garrett trying to eat Daddy's salad

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sleepy Baby

We finally got him to sleep last night! And he didn't wake up once.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Night's Bath

We gave Garrett a bath after our hike and dinner. He loves taking a bath! He began to smile for us at the end of it, and since we can never seem to get enough pictures of him smiling I whipped out the camera.

Friday's Hike

Headed up the North Mountain Preserve today to feel how out of shape we are. Garrett did very well. I'm pretty sure I'll be sore tomorrow. My legs were shaking on the way down the trail...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Misc. Photos

Cousin Kari and Garrett on Easter

Swimming with Mommy

As of Tuesday, he weighs 13 pounds. He's in the 90th percentile for all of his measurements.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Flagstaff, AZ

We drove up to Flagstaff today and hung around the old downtown area just off the Old Route 66. Was chilly. Garrett was perfect, as usual. We walked around downtown then headed to Williams, AZ to check it out. It's also on Route 66 and has a cool older downtown. It's also a stop for the Grand Canyon Railroad. Very cool.

Enjoy the photos.

Eating lunch in a cafe - downtown Flagstaff

At the Amtrak station in Flagstaff

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Myron coming in from outside tonight.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cold Stone Creamery

Some photos from our little outing last night. Garrett loves the Baby Bjorn. He's also doing so well in holding his own head up that we can face him away from my chest. He loves looking around, especially the lights on the outside of the shopping center we were walking around.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Garrett smiling

We got a little more of Garrett smiling today. Again, not the full blown smile, but it's still cute.