This month flew. Nothing really to exciting to mention, other than I turned 39 and that we're looking forward to cooler weather.
Garrett had his 18 month checkup on the 17th. He's over 3 feet tall and weighs just over 30 lbs. He's still in the upper 90th percentile in measurements, and off the charts for his age in height. So far, no signs of outstanding althletic ability. He may end up being a big clutz like his old man.
He is starting to say two words more often now. Lately he's been saying "Mommy, Dadda, Giet" alot. Giet=Garrett. He'll blurt those out randomly and usually over and over.
We're probably going to cancel swim lessons for him. He does nothing but cry. We don't know if it's the location, being indoors, or what. In any other pool at any other time he loves it. We'll try again when he gets older.Garrett and Brady at Chuck E Cheese
Garrett and Brady chillin' and watching the movie Cars.
"Outside?" Garrett loves the backyard.
Birthday dinner at Omaha Steakhouse.
Black and white infrared on the road to Crown King, AZ.
Garrett loves the garden hose.
Garrett loves the garden hose.
Teaching Daddy a little hydrology and hydraulics. At Kierland splash pad
Liz on the water slide

Liz, Garrett, and the Beefcake at Granny's
Garrett and Daddy at Granny's
At Granny's pool
This month went pretty fast...
Garrett is able to point to and say at request; hair, forehead, eyes, ear, nose, mouth, chin, cheek, and teeth. Tonight he was plaing with his stroller we have in the office (for some reason) and it trapped him between the bed in here and his exersaucer we're trying to sell. He said the word "help," which I had no idea he even knew.
Liz also has him counting. He went to 10 the other night. This isn't a consistant thing, but I was still shocked. One time today she said "one" and he said "two" and they alternated up to five.
Garrett had what is believed "nurses elbow." Liz and I were on the couch one night watching TV when we thought Garrett's diaper needed changing. So I went to change him and as I was going to pick him up, first by his hands then by putting my hands under his armpits, he was being a little stinker and relaxed his legs and then started to pull away. At that point I heard a few snaps, but nothing like we haven't heard him do before. This time he was in pain. We ended up taking him to the emergency room where they took some xrays. The doctor thought it was a fracture in his hand and possibly a broken bone. Nothing was for sure. Regardless they wrapped up his arm in a splint (after giving him Vicodine...can you believe it?). The next day it was as if he wasn't even hurt; falling on his arm, hitting things with the hard portion of the splint, etc. We were finally able to make an appointment with a specialist, as we were told to do, 5 days after the accident. They snipped off the splint to see how he was doing and he was immediately moving it around as if he was never injured. The specialist then thought it was a case of nurses elbow where his bone slipped out of socket, then back in again. Garrett may be suceptible to those types of injuries so we're to be more aware of him jerking on his arm, etc. for awhile.
Garrett got to play in the rain for the first time the other day. We had a monsoon move through and Liz let him run around outside in it, stomping his feet in the puddles mostly.
In Anthem watching fireworks.
Garrett couldn't help but fall asleep at Olive Garden after running around at the splash pad.

Garrett and Brady.
Garrett's first trip to the emergency room.
His first xray...

In Payson, AZ...

Swimming at G'ma Vicki's
Garrett and Brady