Garrett had his 18 month checkup on the 17th. He's over 3 feet tall and weighs just over 30 lbs. He's still in the upper 90th percentile in measurements, and off the charts for his age in height. So far, no signs of outstanding althletic ability. He may end up being a big clutz like his old man.
He is starting to say two words more often now. Lately he's been saying "Mommy, Dadda, Giet" alot. Giet=Garrett. He'll blurt those out randomly and usually over and over.
We're probably going to cancel swim lessons for him. He does nothing but cry. We don't know if it's the location, being indoors, or what. In any other pool at any other time he loves it. We'll try again when he gets older.
Garrett and Brady at Chuck E Cheese
Garrett and Brady chillin' and watching the movie Cars.

"Outside?" Garrett loves the backyard.

Birthday dinner at Omaha Steakhouse.
Black and white infrared on the road to Crown King, AZ.

Garrett loves the garden hose.

Garrett loves the garden hose.
At Kierland splash pad

Liz on the water slide

Liz, Garrett, and the Beefcake at Granny's
Garrett and Daddy at Granny's
At Granny's pool

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