Monday, August 17, 2009

My 38th Birthday

Had a great surprise when I got home. Kinda knew something was up since Liz was dropping hints for me to eat out for lunch instead of going home. So I got home after work and the back patio door blinds were shut, which is rare. Liz asked me again to fix the door handle on the patio door, which then set me up to ask why the blinds were closed, which set her up to say "I don't know...let's see" and she had spent all day setting the back porch up to look like this...

She went to IKEA last week and bought the curtains, Home Depot for the wire and eye bolts. She hung Christmas tree lights along the edge of the porch and put the Maui picture frame along with the wind chimes we bought in Maui along the outside beam, but inside. Was very nice and I was extremely impressed!!!

We had Garrett in his Pack 'n Play while Liz and I ate Bamboo House. Later we had some chocolate birthday cake and vanilla ice cream.

I think we're making the curtains, etc. a more permanent fixture. Nice to be able to use the porch, even in the heat. Also the curtains hide all the work I have yet to do on the back yard! Can't wait for cooler weather. We'll probably live out there this fall.

We had to tie back the curtains when Myron came outside. He was acting like he was going to spray them with the curtains down.

So overall this was a very very good birthday, thanks to my awesome wife!

1 comment:

Laura Vaughn said...

Wow, you've got it made!